At Marden we intend to provide children with a creative and engaging English curriculum which gives them the skills and knowledge to thrive and succeed within the local community and beyond. We feel it is essential to equip children with the key skills and knowledge, such as grammatical construction, spelling and the ability to hold a conversation.
The Write Stuff approach gives the children opportunities to develop their spoken language intertwined with reading exciting and challenging texts; all of which supports writing. Improving Oracy and providing opportunities to practise these skills are at the heart of the English curriculum.
We put great importance on the teaching of reading both in terms of early phonological awareness, comprehension skills and instilling the love of reading in our children.
We use The Write Stuff Approach, which supports the development of oracy for all children from Nursery through to Year 6. Our reading curriculum links closely with what the children are learning and where possible is intertwined with the writing. We teach whole class reading sessions. Phonics is taught using Read Write Inc from Nursery onwards to allow the children full exposure to best practise and equip them to become fluent and confident readers. The phonics teaching supports spelling also, which is taught through an approach linked to The Write Stuff, The Spelling Book. Teachers use rigorous assessment for learning as lesson sequences progress, to tailor the experience to the children and their needs.
Children attending Marden will be passionate and excited about their learning as the curriculum is designed to engage them in such a way that they feel confident and capable.
Opportunities to apply the skills they learn through English are woven through other subject areas. As they progress in their learning they are skilled and confident individuals who can hold their own; resilient and ready to take on challenges, and the next area of learning. The foundations in English which they receive at Marden will equip them to achieve beyond primary school.
Write Stuff Approach explananatory video: