At Marden Lodge, our intent is for all of our pupils to develop a deep and sustained understanding of Mathematical concepts so that they become happy and confident mathematicians, throughout their learning and into their adult life. We teach maths using a mastery approach; this sparks curiosity and excitement and helps nurture children’s confidence in maths.
Our aim is that all pupils:
Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics so that they develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including in unfamiliar contexts and to model real-life scenarios.
Can reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry and develop and present a justification,
Our pupils will:
be competent and confident in taking risks to apply mathematical knowledge, concepts and skills.
be able to solve problems, reason mathematically and think logically and systematically.
be able to work independently and in cooperation with others.
be able to use and apply mathematics across the curriculum, and to understand the application of mathematics in real life contexts and scenarios.
Tiny coherent steps will be made in each lesson to develop a secure understanding. The small steps that were learnt in the previous lesson will be reviewed before moving on. Learning objectives are tight and reflect the new learning taking place in the lesson. By breaking down concepts into tiny steps, children are more likely to be secure and confident. By grouping key concepts and patterns they will be able to make connections to other areas of maths and apply their skills to a range of problems.
Questions will be planned carefully to ensure all children can access the learning and that their knowledge is deepening. All children will be expected to understand and use accurate mathematical vocabulary when explaining their mathematical thinking. They will be expected to speak in full sentences when sharing an answer.
When new learning is introduced, ideas and activities regularly move from teacher to children and back again. The teacher will move around the room, checking the understanding of all pupils throughout the lesson allowing for instant feedback and formative assessment.
Teaching maths for mastery ensured all pupils access the full maths curriculum. This inclusive approach and its emphasis on promoting multiple methods of solving problems, builds self-confidence and resilience in pupils.
Though the whole class goes through the same content at the same pace, there is still plenty of opportunity for adaptation. Unlike the old model, where advanced learners are accelerated through new content, those pupils who grasp concepts quickly are challenged with rich and sophisticated problems within the topic. Those children who are not sufficiently fluent are provided with additional support to consolidate their learning before moving on.
As part of everyday practice we deliver daily number facts sessions in KS1 using Number Sense and daily Times Table practice in KS2. We use NumBots and Times Tables Rockstars across the school as we believe that it is important that all children become fluent and have a rapid recall of number and times table facts.
Further information on how to support your child and the philosophy behind our maths teaching can be found at the following websites: