The School Day
The school day runs from 8.40am and ends at 3:15pm. This includes breaks but not optional before or after school activities.
Start of the day:
Gates open at 8.30am
Doors open at 8.40am
Registration 8.45am
Gates close 8.45am
End of the day:
Gates open at 3.10pm
Children come out at 3.15pm
Gates close at 3.25pm
All year groups, including Reception, will be using the double gates by the field. No children will be entering the pedestrian gate by the car park.
We have a breakfast club which is open from 7.30am each day and, for a small fee, and provides children with a healthy breakfast and a range of stimulating and engaging activities. Booking forms are available from the school office.
The start of the school day is an important time and lateness is a disruption both for the child and the school. Please make sure your child attends school on time and that he/she is only kept away from school for genuine illness. If you need any support with getting your child to school on time please talk to your class teacher or our Senior Administrator, Mrs Williams.
When children are dismissed from school they are expected to leave the site and go straight home – unless, of course, they are involved in an after-school activity. Please phone ahead if you are likely to be late as we can then let your child know and save them from worrying unnecessarily. The school will only let children go home with adults that have been agreed with the parent in advance, this is for safeguarding reasons.