Praise for our Good school from Ofsted
Leaders at our school work tirelessly to help pupils achieve and have high expectations for every child, according to Ofsted inspectors.
Children look forward to attending and our leadership and management has been rated as outstanding with particular praise for changes which have been made.
“Many improvements are deeply embedded. They first ensured that there was the right support for pupils and their families who might need a little extra help. The welcoming family room and support for pupils’ wellbeing are valued by parents,” says the report.
“Through the school's values, pupils are taught to be trustworthy, respectful, responsible, fair and caring and to become active citizens,” the report adds.
We have been awarded an overall status of Good by the inspectors who visited in November.
We are all incredibly proud of our school and were delighted that Ofsted recognised the positive impact of the changes we have made.
It has been a very challenging time for everyone involved in education and our staff, pupils and their families have all worked incredibly hard to make sure our school offers the best possible start for children at the beginning of their education journey.
The report highlights the wide range of opportunities we offer at our school, with Year 5 pupils learning the trumpet and a free multi-skills sports club.
“Even at a young age, children in Nursery and Reception learn the school’s values through experiences such as caring for Benji, the class rabbit, or by taking turns at playing games,” says the report.
“Pupils talk with excitement about the new science lessons, for example enjoying the practical activities and using their knowledge to explain what they see.”
“Teachers and support staff are highly effective in teaching reading. Pupils learn the knowledge and skills they need rapidly. Pupils who find it hard receive individual support so that they catch up with their peers. In mathematics, staff deliver carefully planned lessons so that pupils can practice their skills and apply them in a range of ways,” the inspection report adds.